12 Foods That Look Like Body Parts They’re Benefiting

12 Foods That Look Like Body Parts They’re Benefiting

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There is a saying that “You are what you eat”, but did you know that it can mean literally? It turns out it’s actually a guide to remembering which food is good for a specific body part. It’s not just a coincidence; it serves as a hack for those who find it difficult to remember the long list of healthy foods to eat. In this blog, we’ll enumerate the foods that look like body parts they’re benefiting.


1.  Mushrooms – Ears


When you chop mushrooms, they look like ears. Mushrooms have Vitamin D which is good for the auditory ossicles of your ear, the three smallest bones of a human. Auditory ossicles are essential in hearing as it transmits sounds to the inner ear.


2. Grapes – Alveoli


Undoubtedly, grapes look like the alveoli of the lungs. The alveoli are sacs that allow blood and oxygen to move between the bloodstream and the lungs. With that, consuming grapes can reduce the risk of lung diseases.


3. Bananas – Happy Hormones


A banana looks like a smiling mouth. Bananas contain “tryptophan” which is an ɑ-amino acid that is converted to “serotonin” when digested. Serotonin sends happy chemicals to the brain.


4. Kidney Beans – Kidney


Kidney beans got its name because of its resemblance to the organ. Aside from that, kidney beans are high in fibre which is vital in gastrointestinal function.


5. Sweet Potatoes – Pancreas


Sweet potatoes’ oblong shape makes them look like a pancreas. Sweet potatoes are rich in Vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant that protects all tissues of the body, like the pancreas, from damage.


6. Ginger – Stomach


For centuries, ginger has been used to treat digestive system-related problems like nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite. It makes sense that the herb looks like the stomach.


7. Carrots – Eyes


Chop carrots crosswise and you’ll see the resemblance of it to eyes. Carrots are rich in vitamins and minerals like beta-carotene, which is important in maintaining a clear vision. It makes sense now why carrots are always labelled as good for the eyes.


8. Walnut – Brain


They say eat nuts, especially walnuts, before taking an exam. It’s labelled as “brain food”. It is no coincidence that it looks like a brain too. Walnuts are high in omega-3 fatty acids, essential for proper brain function.


9. Celery – Bone


The long and lean stalks of celery makes it resemble the bones. They’re actually good for the bones too! Silicon can be obtained from celery. Silicon gives bones their strength as it is an important part of the bones’ molecular structure.


10. Avocados – Uterus


Avocados are good for reproductive health. Like how its light bulb shape resembles the shape of a uterus, Avocados are rich in folic acid which reduces the risk of cervical complications.


11. Tomato – Heart


Tomatoes are red, and so is the heart. The insides of tomatoes also look like the chambers of the heart. Tomatoes have lycopene, which reduces the risk of heart disease for those consuming it.


12. Red Wine – Blood


Lastly, red wine looks like blood. Red wine has blood-thinning compounds which prevents blood from clotting associated with heart diseases. Red wine is also rich in antioxidants and polyphenol that prevent destructive things in the blood.

After reading this blog, it’s definitely hard to “unsee” these foods’ resemblance to body parts. That’s a good thing because it serves as a hack in remembering foods that are good for you.

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There are others. For example bitter gourd when ripe has seeds in a red center which looks blood cells in blood in a blood vessel. Bitter gourd is good for cleaning the blood.

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