If you, like so many others around the world, are currently self-isolating you may have noticed that you’re feeling more anxious, unsettled or nervous than usual. It can be easy to fall into unhealthy patterns of behaviour which in turn can make you feel worse.
That’s why the Nature’s Help team have put together a series of blogs that highlight things such as; how and why we should self-isolate and practice social distancing. How we can stay healthy both physically and mentally during this time and how we can use this isolated time productively.
Today we’re talking about five easy ways we can stay mentally and physically healthy during self-isolation.
Here are five great ways you and your family cant stay mentally and physically healthy during self-isolation. We’ve compiled a bunch of ideas and resources to make it even easier!

1. Stay Connected
Now is a perfect time to spend some quality time with the people who live in your house. Whether it’s your partner, children or flatmate/s, check in with them, talk openly about what’s happening and how you’re all feeling. Make it fun – play board games, tackle a project together, find a new group hobby.
Luckily if you live alone, we live in an age of technology the allows us to stay connected to friends and family no matter where in the world they are. Setting up group chats or video calls is a great way to stay connected.
In-Person | Virtually | |
Connect | Set aside time to spend together to check-in and have open discussions. Here is a great way to explain the situation to children. | Set up group chats with friends and family and organise group video calls. You can do this on directly on your mobile phone, through Facebook or via your laptop through Zoom. |
Play Games | Why not dust off those old board games and have a family games night or have a look at these fun games the whole family can play. | Jump online and find a game you love then invite your friends to play along. Here are some suggestions. |
Reconnect | Why not write some letters and post them to loved ones (In Australia you can pay for postage online and drop at your nearest post-box without coming in content with anyone). | Reach out to someone you’ve lost touch with. This is a perfect excuse to reconnect by checking in on them (virtually of course). |
New Friends | Join a Facebook group or forum based on a hobby or interest you have or something you would like to know more about. |

2. Hobbies & Projects
Is there something laying around the house you’ve been meaning to get to? A hobby that you haven’t had any time for? Something new you want to learn or try? Well now is the perfect time to tackle all of these things.
Household DIY – Pinterest | Pinterest is your go-to for all things home DIY inspiration. Whether it’s redecorating your bedroom, hanging photo frames, building a garden or repurposing an old piece of furniture, you will get lost in the possibilities. |
Declutter and Organise with Marie Kondo | Marie Kondo is an organisation expert and founder, who became a household name around the world from her worldwide best-selling book and Netflix series. Use her system to go through that spare bedroom wardrobe, the garage or that cupboard under the stairs. |
Learn Language – Apps | When it comes to languages, some amazing mobile phone apps make learning a language fun and quite easy. |
Learn Something New – YouTube | Why not use self-isolation to learn a new skill. YouTube is a treasure trove of ‘How To’ videos. You can learn ANYTHING from; knot tying to computer coding to nail art. |
3. Fresh Air & Sunshine
If you’re lucky enough to live somewhere that you have a yard or balcony, spend some time out there in the fresh air. Bask in the sunshine and let your body absorb lots of natural Vitamin D. Open a window or a door and let the breeze flow into your home.
Fresh Air |
Sunshine |
Helps the digestive system |
Stimulates the body’s production of vitamin D |
Improves blood pressure and heart rate | Increases recovery time from illness |
Increase serotonin levels | Increases serotonin levels |
Helps white blood cell function strengthening the immune system | Promotes skin health |
Cleanses lungs | Supports bone, joint and muscle health |
Increases energy | Fights bacteria and fungus |
Improves concentration and brain function | Aids brain function |
4. Exercise
One of the best ways to help combat feelings of helplessness and anxiety is to exercise. Getting your body moving doesn’t have to mean push-ups, squats or running. It can mean dancing or walking or stretching. Getting your blood pumping increases your oxygen intake, which in turn releases endorphins (the feel-good hormones).
Go for a walk or jog, just remember to stay 2m away from anyone you see out. | Throw on your favourite music and have a household or video-call dance party. | Find an online workout to suit your fitness level and set yourself some goals to hit. | Yoga, Pilates or stretching apps are another great way to keep your body moving. |

5. Healthy Eating
You might find yourself snacking more often and craving those not so healthy snacks you have stashed in the back of the pantry. Below are links to some healthy recipes that not only taste great but are easy to make.
Eating healthy, whole foods, won’t only help you feel better; it will also support your immune system, which is essential at the moment. Sticking to your regular eating schedule can also support your digestive system, and meal prepping can be a great way to ensure you’re eating well even when you can’t be bothered cooking.