Common Joint Complaints
The sacroiliac joint is one of the common joint complaints. Inflammation of the sacroiliac joint can produce pelvic pain and is more common in young and middle-aged women.
When hip joint pain occurs, it is generally a gentle reminder of the fact you are not that young anymore and certainly not indestructible. With use and age, the cartilage can wear down. This results in muscles and tendons getting overused and can lead to arthritis which leads to inflammation of the hip joint which can lead to mild to chronic.
Shoulder joint pain is a common problem. In our younger generation, it is often as a result of an accident or sporting injury. However, as we mature, it is yet another gentle signal of ageing. Healthy cartilage allows for easy mobility, but as we age it is not uncommon for the synovial membrane, or for inflammation of a bursa sac (Bursitis) to become inflamed. Once the joint becomes inflamed, you will start to experience mild to moderate pain.
Another common joint complaint is the knee joint pain. Knees are way more susceptible to sudden or overuse injury and often have an underlying condition such as arthritis, which then causes… guessed it…..INFLAMMATION and this leads to some level of pain.
All joints can become inflamed and as a result, we get:
Elbow joint pain, finger joint pain, big toe pain, thumb joint pain, facet joint pain, AC joint pain.